Since 1967, ADUE has been providing tailor-made solutions to leading bottling companies worldwide.
The entire range of ADUE systems stands out for its high technological content, performance and reliability, safety and ergonomics, attention to the environment, increasingly connected digital services and, at the heart of it all, the unmistakable imprint of MADE in ITALY.
In fact, ADUE’s products are not only designed, but also built entirely in Italy, based on exclusive designs and planning.
To offer a cutting-edge product, the production process must also guarantee an excellent quality standard, as is clearly evident when entering ADUE’s Production Department at its new headquarters in Parma.
Here, the use of top-quality materials and components is combined with the know-how inherent in the company’s tradition and history, enriched by technological advances in the industry.
The traceability of the processes carried out and of the raw materials and components, most of which by choice come from the surrounding area, is always guaranteed.
The Production Department continuously interfaces with the Technical Department on the one hand, and with the Field Department
on the other, ensuring a mutual enrichment of skills, to the advantage of the products and the end customer.
The Technical Department takes care of the design of the process cycle and the product based on the customer’s requests, evaluating the best technical solutions and environmental and economic sustainability.
The Production Department manages the construction and control activities connected to the production process, using the best technologies and equipment for the construction and assembly of machines and systems.
The Field Department also collaborates in the testing phase, which is spread over several stages (mechanical, electrical and software function tests), guaranteeing reduced installation and testing times at the end customer.
In line with the company’s sensitivity towards Corporate Social Responsibility, all employees in the Production Department are highly specialised and adequately trained not only from a technical point of view, but also on how to operate safely, identifying and preventing risk situations for themselves, for others and for the environment.

ADUE Production Departmeny
ADUE specialised technicians at work