A DUE is able to face and solve any problems concerning the handling of concentrates and liquid raw materials, with special care paid to the system as a whole.
A DUE has developed the tank concept as a container for liquid raw materials, seeing it integrated with the machinery and run automatically as all the equipment and components related to the production process.
Therefore, the concentrate storage tank may be implemented with:
► insulation and thermostating systems,
► atmospheric emission control,
► homogenization systems,
► anti-decantation systems,
► transport, dosage, weighing and mixing.
The fruit concentrates delivered in aseptic or frozen drums are emptied and dosed through positive-displacement pumps and/or turnover systems that are also available with icebreakers and crushers.
To do this A DUE has concentrate dumping systems of various types: manual, automatic, semi-automatic, with single or multiple suction lance, which may be equipped with diaphragm and positive-displacement pumps.
The drum dumping systems may be equipped with idle and motorized roller conveyors. This prevents damage to the product due to an incorrect transfer or excess pressure.
One of the noteworthy auxiliary systems for concentrate emptying is the CLEAN-PIG SYSTEM, designed by A DUE to ensure simple and efficient emptying of the process piping in order to reduce the loss of product and environmental pollution.
The system, completely automatic, allows to empty piping by using sterile air to push the PIG from the sending station up to the arrival station.
Once emptied piping, the PIG will come back to the sending station, always through sterile air. Now it is possible to carry out a possible CIP sanification.