A DUE can supply equipment for the FOOD sector, such as systems for liquid ingredient handling, storage, preparation and dosing, to serve:
► canning industry (ketchup, tomato sauce, oil and vinegar preserves of all kinds, etc.);
► confectionery industry (sweet snacks, ice cream, candy, cream spreads, fruit jams, marmalades and conserves, topping concentrates and syrups, etc. ) – sugar syrup inversion, dosage of fructose and glucose, dosage of palm oil and the like, etc.;
► potable alcohol industry – alcohol storage, alcoholic aroma dosage, etc.
A DUE thanks to decades of experience in the preparation and management of food fluids can successfully tackle and resolve any issues related to:
► rheological characteristics of the food fluids being processed, such as high viscosity, pasty and sticky texture, etc.;
► ATEX requirements for plants in the presence of explosive atmospheres (alcohol and distillates);
► need of special thermal treatments;
► need for “delicate” handling due to the presence of pieces and fibres in the fluid;
► plant design for the management of the allergen containing ingredients;
► lay-out aimed at ensuring maximum recovery of the processed product to reduce scraps.
All this with the utmost attention to saving natural resources reducing water and energy consumptions.