BRIDGE 2017-2018: the business expansion project of A DUE SPA
The Emilia Romagna Region proposed an announcement for participation in fair events 2017 (Azione 3.4.1 del POR FESR 2014-2020), and approved A DUE SPA application for funding its BRIDGE 2017-2018 Project: Biennial Program for Reinforcing, Implementing and Diversifying Geographic Exports of Exports beverage preparation plants.
The estimated total cost of the BRIDGE project is 107,000.00, while the contribution of the Emilia Romagna Region of 30,000 €.
Project Objectives:
Increasing and diversifying the company internationalization level in order to capture business opportunities on the most dynamic foreign markets, focusing on “Bridge” Customers and Countries, as a tool to boost and accelerate the commercial penetration of these markets.
Project Description
The project is based on two strategic axes:
1. 1. to be present in geographically, politically and culturally strategic “Bridge” Countries for a wider commercial penetration (Iran and Persian Gulf Arab countries for ME & East Africa, Algeria for NA & West Africa, Mexico for Mx and Central America), thanks to the participation to international trade fairs such as Gulfood Manufacturing 2017 and 2018 (Dubai), Djazagro 2018 (Algiers), Propack Asia 2018 (Bangkok), Expopack Mexico 2018 (Mexico City);
2. 2. Enhance the skills and know-how of the company through the Drinktec 2017 fair, the worldwide platform for technological innovations in Beverage and Liquid Food. This is to offer A Due Company as a technology partner to “Bridge” customers: international multinationals (Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Danone, Nestlè, etc.) and bottling line manufacturers (OEMs), who are already on the world market with complete turnkey packages of beverage preparation systems, furnished by A Due.
Expected results
Maintain its position in existing markets, consolidate relationships with existing customers, establish new industrial and commercial collaborations with strategic partners to attack new markets and increase sales volumes.
It is also expected that by the end of the project (31/12/2018), more than 600 new business relationships (sales, distribution, joint ventures …) will be defined, including new contacts with commercial or industrial partners, sales contracts with new clients, new agency contracts in Latin America and MENA countries, realization of projects in collaboration with local technical partners.
Outcome of the project
The project outcome finds expression in the following figures: the six exhibitions drew an attendanсе of about 550 potential business and industrial partners.
Aside from the aftersales service, i.e. the interventions on the already existing installations, about 620 new commercial proposals were prepared, generating over 50 sales contracts, including fifteen with the new customers within the markets with A DUE’s well-established presence (Algeria, Egypt, KSA, etc), as well as the ones in the new markets (Malaysia, Grenada, Kuwait). Nine collaboration agreements were concluded (agency, brokerage, case-by-case basis) for Egypt, Libya Sudan, Morocco, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Philippines, Pakistan, Central America.