Your ideal water becomes a reality thanks to ADUE systems.
We will offer you a tailor-made solution based on the water analyses at your disposal, combining the best treatments and technologies, to put your ideal water on the market.
ADUE designs, manufactures and installs complete systems (EASY.Water) for the management and treatment of drinking, well and river water used in the preparation and bottling of all types of beverages.
The main phases of water treatment are Pre-treatment (to reduce a high load of pollutants), Preliminary Treatment (Chlorination and Filtration), followed by Demineralisation by Reverse Osmosis (EASY.RO) and Safety Treatment by means of UV lamps (water storage is protected with air purification via EASY.AirBox).
To make your water truly unique, ADUE offers the EASY.RM module, an in-line Preparation and Micro-dosing system of mineral salts or concentrated flavours for the preparation of mineral-rich (functional and alkaline) or flavoured waters.
These are independent, automated modular units that are easy to integrate into existing systems, equipped with an operator station complete with monitor; with hygienic design and provision for CIP washing, including hot washing. Excellent performance: dosing accuracy of up to 2 ppm and high repeatability: +/- 5 mg/l.
The EASY.RM remineralisation unit provides for the dissolution of salts (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, etc.) and subsequent precision dosing into the main water flow.
The ergonomic design facilitates salt loading operations into the hopper.
The system is complete with flow rate controls and control instruments (remineralisation water flow meter, saline solution flow meter, remineralised water conductivity meter, inverter-controlled dosing pump).
The EASY.RM flavouring unit allows, by special pumps, the dosing of concentrated flavouring (lemon, orange, mint, etc.) directly from the drum (to avoid product waste and dilution with water, which could lead to unwanted contamination).
The drum support is suitable for any drum geometry and volume of 1 to 20 kg (with a rectangular, square or round base).
The system guarantees maximum accuracy (flavoured water flow meter, positive-displacement flavour dosing pumps with inverter, load cells for weighing flavour drums) and a final flavour concentration ranging from 20 to 150 ppm.
The ADUE offer is completed by the Final Disinfection treatment by means of Ozone dosage (EASY.Ozone), equipped with control of contact time, residual Ozone and working temperature and complete with Ozone destroyer.